
Functions for loading and slicing data

heartpy.datautils.get_data(filename, delim=', ', column_name='None', encoding=None, ignore_extension=False)[source]

load data from file

Function to load data from a .CSV or .MAT file into numpy array. File can be accessed from local disk or url.

  • filename (string) – absolute or relative path to the file object to read
  • delim (string) – the delimiter used if CSV file passed default : ‘,’
  • column_name (string) – for CSV files with header: specify column that contains the data for matlab files it specifies the table name that contains the data default : ‘None’
  • ignore_extension (bool) – if True, extension is not tested, use for example for files where the extention is not .csv or .txt but the data is formatted as if it is. default : False

out – array containing the data from the requested column of the specified file

Return type:

1-d numpy array


As an example, let’s load two example data files included in the package For this we use pkg_resources for automated testing purposes, you don’t need this when using the function.

>>> from pkg_resources import resource_filename
>>> filepath = resource_filename(__name__, 'data/data.csv')

So, assuming your file lives at ‘filepath’, you open it as such:

>>> get_data(filepath)
array([530., 518., 506., ..., 492., 493., 494.])

Files with multiple columns can be opened by specifying the ‘column_name’ where the data resides:

>>> filepath = resource_filename(__name__, 'data/data2.csv')

Again you don’t need the above. It is there for automated testing.

>>> get_data(filepath, column_name='timer')
array([0.00000000e+00, 8.54790319e+00, 1.70958064e+01, ...,
       1.28192904e+05, 1.28201452e+05, 1.28210000e+05])

You can open matlab files in much the same way by specifying the column where the data lives:

>>> filepath = resource_filename(__name__, 'data/data2.mat')

Again you don’t need the above. It is there for automated testing. Open matlab file by specifying the column name as well:

>>> get_data(filepath, column_name='hr')
array([515., 514., 514., ..., 492., 494., 496.])

You can any csv formatted text file no matter the extension if you set ignore_extension to True:

>>> filepath = resource_filename(__name__, 'data/data.log')
>>> get_data(filepath, ignore_extension = True)
array([530., 518., 506., ..., 492., 493., 494.])

You can specify column names in the same way when using ignore_extension

>>> filepath = resource_filename(__name__, 'data/data2.log')
>>> data = get_data(filepath, column_name = 'hr', ignore_extension = True)

detemine sample rate based on ms timer

Function to determine sample rate of data from ms-based timer list or array.

Parameters:timerdata (1d numpy array or list) – sequence containing values of a timer, in ms
Returns:out – the sample rate as determined from the timer sequence provided
Return type:float


first we load a provided example dataset

>>> data, timer = load_exampledata(example = 1)

since it’s a timer that counts miliseconds, we use this function. Let’s also round to three decimals

>>> round(get_samplerate_mstimer(timer), 3)

of course if another time unit is used, converting it to ms-based should be trivial.

heartpy.datautils.get_samplerate_datetime(datetimedata, timeformat='%H:%M:%S.%f')[source]

determine sample rate based on datetime

Function to determine sample rate of data from datetime-based timer list or array.

  • timerdata (1-d numpy array or list) – sequence containing datetime strings
  • timeformat (string) – the format of the datetime-strings in datetimedata default : ‘%H:%M:%S.f’ (24-hour based time including ms: e.g. 21:43:12.569)

out – the sample rate as determined from the timer sequence provided

Return type:



We load the data like before

>>> data, timer = load_exampledata(example = 2)
>>> timer[0]
'2016-11-24 13:58:58.081000'

Note that we need to specify the timeformat used so that datetime understands what it’s working with:

>>> round(get_samplerate_datetime(timer, timeformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'), 3)
heartpy.datautils.rolling_mean(data, windowsize, sample_rate)[source]

calculates rolling mean

Function to calculate the rolling mean (also: moving average) over the passed data.

  • data (1-dimensional numpy array or list) – sequence containing data over which rolling mean is to be computed
  • windowsize (int or float) – the window size to use, in seconds calculated as windowsize * sample_rate
  • sample_rate (int or float) – the sample rate of the data set

out – sequence containing computed rolling mean

Return type:

1-d numpy array


>>> data, _ = load_exampledata(example = 1)
>>> rmean = rolling_mean(data, windowsize=0.75, sample_rate=100)
>>> rmean[100:110]
array([514.49333333, 514.49333333, 514.49333333, 514.46666667,
       514.45333333, 514.45333333, 514.45333333, 514.45333333,
       514.48      , 514.52      ])

removes outliers

Function that removes outliers based on the interquartile range method and substitutes them for the median see:

Parameters:hrvalues (1-d numpy array or list) – sequence of values, from which outliers need to be identified
Returns:out – [0] cleaned sequence with identified outliers substituted for the median [1] list of indices that have been replaced in the original array or list
Return type:tuple


>>> x = [2, 4, 3, 4, 6, 7, 35, 2, 3, 4]
>>> outliers_iqr_method(x)
([2, 4, 3, 4, 6, 7, 4.0, 2, 3, 4], [6])

removes outliers

Function that removes outliers based on the modified Z-score metric and substitutes them for the median

Parameters:hrvalues (1-d numpy array or list) – sequence of values, from which outliers need to be identified
Returns:out – [0] cleaned sequence with identified outliers substituted for the median [1] list of indices that have been replaced in the original array or list
Return type:tuple


>>> x = [2, 4, 3, 4, 6, 7, 35, 2, 3, 4]
>>> outliers_modified_z(x)
([2, 4, 3, 4, 6, 7, 4.0, 2, 3, 4], [6])

computes median absolute deviation

Function that compute median absolute deviation of data slice See:

Parameters:data (1-dimensional numpy array or list) – sequence containing data over which to compute the MAD
Returns:out – the Median Absolute Deviation as computed
Return type:float


>>> x = [2, 4, 3, 4, 6, 7, 35, 2, 3, 4]
>>> MAD(x)

loads example data

Function to load one of the example datasets included in HeartPy and used in the documentation.

Parameters:example (int (0, 1, 2)) – selects example data used in docs of three datafiles. Available (see github repo for source of files): 0 : data.csv 1 : data2.csv 2 : data3.csv default : 0
Returns:out – Contains the data and timer column. If no timer data is available, such as in example 0, an empty second array is returned.
Return type:tuple of two arrays


This function can load one of the three example data files provided with HeartPy. It returns both the data and a timer if that is present

For example:

>>> data, _ = load_exampledata(0)
>>> data[0:5]
array([530., 518., 506., 494., 483.])

And another example:

>>> data, timer = load_exampledata(1)
>>> [round(x, 2) for x in timer[0:5]]
[0.0, 8.55, 17.1, 25.64, 34.19]