Source code for heartpy.peakdetection

functions for peak detection and related tasks

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import resample

from .analysis import calc_rr, update_rr
from .exceptions import BadSignalWarning

__all__ = ['make_windows',

[docs]def make_windows(data, sample_rate, windowsize=120, overlap=0, min_size=20): '''slices data into windows Funcion that slices data into windows for concurrent analysis. Used by process_segmentwise wrapper function. Parameters ---------- data : 1-d array array containing heart rate sensor data sample_rate : int or float sample rate of the data stream in 'data' windowsize : int size of the window that is sliced in seconds overlap : float fraction of overlap between two adjacent windows: 0 <= float < 1.0 min_size : int the minimum size for the last (partial) window to be included. Very short windows might not stable for peak fitting, especially when significant noise is present. Slightly longer windows are likely stable but don't make much sense from a signal analysis perspective. Returns ------- out : array tuples of window indices Examples -------- Assuming a given example data file: >>> import heartpy as hp >>> data, _ = hp.load_exampledata(1) We can split the data into windows: >>> indices = make_windows(data, 100.0, windowsize = 30, overlap = 0.5, min_size = 20) >>> indices.shape (9, 2) Specifying min_size = -1 will include the last window no matter what: >>> indices = make_windows(data, 100.0, windowsize = 30, overlap = 0.5, min_size = -1) ''' ln = len(data) window = windowsize * sample_rate stepsize = (1 - overlap) * window start = 0 end = window slices = [] while end < len(data): slices.append((start, end)) start += stepsize end += stepsize if min_size == -1: slices[-1] = (slices[-1][0], len(data)) elif (ln - start) / sample_rate >= min_size: slices.append((start, ln)) return np.array(slices, dtype=np.int32)
[docs]def append_dict(dict_obj, measure_key, measure_value): '''appends data to keyed dict. Function that appends key to continuous dict, creates if doesn't exist. Parameters ---------- dict_obj : dict dictionary object that contains continuous output measures measure_key : str key for the measure to be stored in continuous_dict measure_value : any data container value to be appended to dictionary Returns ------- dict_obj : dict dictionary object passed to function, with specified data container appended Examples -------- Given a dict object 'example' with some data in it: >>> example = {} >>> example['call'] = ['hello'] We can use the function to append it: >>> example = append_dict(example, 'call', 'world') >>> example['call'] ['hello', 'world'] A new key will be created if it doesn't exist: >>> example = append_dict(example, 'different_key', 'hello there!') >>> sorted(example.keys()) ['call', 'different_key'] ''' try: dict_obj[measure_key].append(measure_value) except KeyError: dict_obj[measure_key] = [measure_value] return dict_obj
[docs]def detect_peaks(hrdata, rol_mean, ma_perc, sample_rate, update_dict=True, working_data={}): '''detect peaks in signal Function that detects heartrate peaks in the given dataset. Parameters ---------- hr data : 1-d numpy array or list array or list containing the heart rate data rol_mean : 1-d numpy array array containing the rolling mean of the heart rate signal ma_perc : int or float the percentage with which to raise the rolling mean, used for fitting detection solutions to data sample_rate : int or float the sample rate of the provided data set update_dict : bool whether to update the peak information in the module's data structure Settable to False to allow this function to be re-used for example by the breath analysis module. default : True Examples -------- Normally part of the peak detection pipeline. Given the first example data it would work like this: >>> import heartpy as hp >>> from heartpy.datautils import rolling_mean >>> data, _ = hp.load_exampledata(0) >>> rol_mean = rolling_mean(data, windowsize = 0.75, sample_rate = 100.0) >>> wd = detect_peaks(data, rol_mean, ma_perc = 20, sample_rate = 100.0) Now the peaklist has been appended to the working data dict. Let's look at the first five peak positions: >>> wd['peaklist'][0:5] array([ 63, 165, 264, 360, 460], dtype=int64) ''' rmean = np.array(rol_mean) #rol_mean = rmean + ((rmean / 100) * ma_perc) mn = np.mean(rmean / 100) * ma_perc rol_mean = rmean + mn peaksx = np.where((hrdata > rol_mean))[0] peaksy = hrdata[peaksx] peakedges = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), (np.where(np.diff(peaksx) > 1)[0]), np.array([len(peaksx)]))) peaklist = [] for i in range(0, len(peakedges)-1): try: y_values = peaksy[peakedges[i]:peakedges[i+1]].tolist() peaklist.append(peaksx[peakedges[i] + y_values.index(max(y_values))]) except: pass if update_dict: working_data['peaklist'] = peaklist working_data['ybeat'] = [hrdata[x] for x in peaklist] working_data['rolling_mean'] = rol_mean working_data = calc_rr(working_data['peaklist'], sample_rate, working_data=working_data) if len(working_data['RR_list']) > 0: working_data['rrsd'] = np.std(working_data['RR_list']) else: working_data['rrsd'] = np.inf return working_data else: return peaklist, working_data
[docs]def fit_peaks(hrdata, rol_mean, sample_rate, bpmmin=40, bpmmax=180, working_data={}): '''optimize for best peak detection Function that runs fitting with varying peak detection thresholds given a heart rate signal. Parameters ---------- hrdata : 1d array or list array or list containing the heart rate data rol_mean : 1-d array array containing the rolling mean of the heart rate signal sample_rate : int or float the sample rate of the data set bpmmin : int minimum value of bpm to see as likely default : 40 bpmmax : int maximum value of bpm to see as likely default : 180 Returns ------- working_data : dict dictionary object that contains all heartpy's working data (temp) objects. will be created if not passed to function Examples -------- Part of peak detection pipeline. Uses moving average as a peak detection threshold and rises it stepwise. Determines best fit by minimising standard deviation of peak-peak distances as well as getting a bpm that lies within the expected range. Given included example data let's show how this works >>> import heartpy as hp >>> from heartpy.datautils import rolling_mean >>> data, _ = hp.load_exampledata(0) >>> rol_mean = rolling_mean(data, windowsize = 0.75, sample_rate = 100.0) We can then call this function and let the optimizer do its work: >>> wd = fit_peaks(data, rol_mean, sample_rate = 100.0) Now the wd dict contains the best fit paramater(s): >>> wd['best'] 20 This indicates the best fit can be obtained by raising the moving average with 20%. The results of the peak detection using these parameters are included too. To illustrate, these are the first five detected peaks: >>> wd['peaklist'][0:5] array([ 63, 165, 264, 360, 460], dtype=int64) and the corresponding peak-peak intervals: >>> wd['RR_list'][0:4] array([1020., 990., 960., 1000.]) ''' # moving average values to test ma_perc_list = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 150, 200, 300] rrsd = [] valid_ma = [] for ma_perc in ma_perc_list: working_data = detect_peaks(hrdata, rol_mean, ma_perc, sample_rate, update_dict=True, working_data=working_data) bpm = ((len(working_data['peaklist'])/(len(hrdata)/sample_rate))*60) rrsd.append([working_data['rrsd'], bpm, ma_perc]) for _rrsd, _bpm, _ma_perc in rrsd: if (_rrsd > 0.1) and ((bpmmin <= _bpm <= bpmmax)): valid_ma.append([_rrsd, _ma_perc]) if len(valid_ma) > 0: working_data['best'] = min(valid_ma, key=lambda t: t[0])[1] working_data = detect_peaks(hrdata, rol_mean, min(valid_ma, key=lambda t: t[0])[1], sample_rate, update_dict=True, working_data=working_data) return working_data else: raise BadSignalWarning('\n----------------\nCould not determine best fit for \ given signal. Please check the source signal.\n Probable causes:\n- detected heart rate falls \ outside of bpmmin<->bpmmax constraints\n- no detectable heart rate present in signal\n\ - very noisy signal (consider filtering and scaling)\nIf you\'re sure the signal contains heart\ rate data, consider filtering and/or scaling first.\n----------------\n')
[docs]def check_peaks(rr_arr, peaklist, ybeat, reject_segmentwise=False, working_data={}): '''find anomalous peaks. Funcion that checks peaks for outliers based on anomalous peak-peak distances and corrects by excluding them from further analysis. Parameters ---------- rr_arr : 1d array or list list or array containing peak-peak intervals peaklist : 1d array or list list or array containing detected peak positions ybeat : 1d array or list list or array containing corresponding signal values at detected peak positions. Used for plotting functionality later on. reject_segmentwise : bool if set, checks segments per 10 detected peaks. Marks segment as rejected if 30% of peaks are rejected. default : False working_data : dict dictionary object that contains all heartpy's working data (temp) objects. will be created if not passed to function Returns ------- working_data : dict working_data dictionary object containing all of heartpy's temp objects Examples -------- Part of peak detection pipeline. No standalone examples exist. See docstring for hp.process() function for more info ''' rr_arr = np.array(rr_arr) peaklist = np.array(peaklist) ybeat = np.array(ybeat) # define RR range as mean +/- 30%, with a minimum of 300 mean_rr = np.mean(rr_arr) thirty_perc = 0.3 * mean_rr if thirty_perc <= 300: upper_threshold = mean_rr + 300 lower_threshold = mean_rr - 300 else: upper_threshold = mean_rr + thirty_perc lower_threshold = mean_rr - thirty_perc # identify peaks to exclude based on RR interval rem_idx = np.where((rr_arr <= lower_threshold) | (rr_arr >= upper_threshold))[0] + 1 working_data['removed_beats'] = peaklist[rem_idx] working_data['removed_beats_y'] = ybeat[rem_idx] working_data['binary_peaklist'] = np.asarray([0 if x in working_data['removed_beats'] else 1 for x in peaklist]) if reject_segmentwise: working_data = check_binary_quality(peaklist, working_data['binary_peaklist'], working_data=working_data) working_data = update_rr(working_data=working_data) return working_data
[docs]def check_binary_quality(peaklist, binary_peaklist, maxrejects=3, working_data={}): '''checks signal in chunks of 10 beats. Function that checks signal in chunks of 10 beats. It zeros out chunk if number of rejected peaks > maxrejects. Also marks rejected segment coordinates in tuples (x[0], x[1] in working_data['rejected_segments'] Parameters ---------- peaklist : 1d array or list list or array containing detected peak positions binary_peaklist : 1d array or list list or array containing mask for peaklist, coding which peaks are rejected maxjerects : int maximum number of rejected peaks per 10-beat window default : 3 working_data : dict dictionary object that contains all heartpy's working data (temp) objects. will be created if not passed to function Returns ------- working_data : dict working_data dictionary object containing all of heartpy's temp objects Examples -------- Part of peak detection pipeline. No standalone examples exist. See docstring for hp.process() function for more info Given some peaklist and binary mask: >>> peaklist = [30, 60, 90, 110, 130, 140, 160, 170, 200, 220] >>> binary_peaklist = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0] >>> wd = check_binary_quality(peaklist, binary_peaklist) >>> wd['rejected_segments'] [(30, 220)] The whole segment is rejected as it contains more than the specified 3 rejections per 10 beats. ''' idx = 0 working_data['rejected_segments'] = [] for i in range(int(len(binary_peaklist) / 10)): if np.bincount(binary_peaklist[idx:idx + 10])[0] > maxrejects: binary_peaklist[idx:idx + 10] = [0 for i in range(len(binary_peaklist[idx:idx+10]))] if idx + 10 < len(peaklist): working_data['rejected_segments'].append((peaklist[idx], peaklist[idx + 10])) else: working_data['rejected_segments'].append((peaklist[idx], peaklist[-1])) idx += 10 return working_data
[docs]def interpolate_peaks(data, peaks, sample_rate, desired_sample_rate=1000.0, working_data={}): '''interpolate detected peak positions and surrounding data points Function that enables high-precision mode by taking the estimated peak position, then upsampling the peak position +/- 100ms to the specified sampling rate, subsequently estimating the peak position with higher accuracy. Parameters ---------- data : 1d list or array list or array containing heart rate data peaks : 1d list or array list or array containing x-positions of peaks in signal sample_rate : int or float the sample rate of the signal (in Hz) desired_sampled-rate : int or float the sample rate to which to upsample. Must be sample_rate < desired_sample_rate Returns ------- working_data : dict working_data dictionary object containing all of heartpy's temp objects Examples -------- Given the output of a normal analysis and the first five peak-peak intervals: >>> import heartpy as hp >>> data, _ = hp.load_exampledata(0) >>> wd, m = hp.process(data, 100.0) >>> wd['peaklist'][0:5] array([ 63, 165, 264, 360, 460], dtype=int64) Now, the resolution is at max 10ms as that's the distance between data points. We can use the high precision mode for example to approximate a more precise position, for example if we had recorded at 1000Hz: >>> wd = interpolate_peaks(data = data, peaks = wd['peaklist'], ... sample_rate = 100.0, desired_sample_rate = 1000.0, working_data = wd) >>> wd['peaklist'][0:5] array([ 63.5, 165.4, 263.6, 360.4, 460.2]) As you can see the accuracy of peak positions has increased. Note that you cannot magically upsample nothing into something. Be reasonable. ''' assert desired_sample_rate > sample_rate, "desired sample rate is lower than actual sample rate \ this would result in downsampling which will hurt accuracy." num_samples = int(0.1 * sample_rate) ratio = sample_rate / desired_sample_rate interpolation_slices = [(x - num_samples, x + num_samples) for x in peaks] peaks = [] for i in interpolation_slices: slice = data[i[0]:i[1]] resampled = resample(slice, int(len(slice) * (desired_sample_rate / sample_rate))) peakpos = np.argmax(resampled) peaks.append((i[0] + (peakpos * ratio))) working_data['peaklist'] = np.asarray(peaks) return working_data