Source code for heartpy.heartpy

main module for HeartPy.

from datetime import datetime
import time
import os
import sys

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt, welch, periodogram, resample_poly, resample

from . import exceptions
from .datautils import get_data, get_samplerate_mstimer, get_samplerate_datetime,\
                       rolling_mean, outliers_iqr_method, outliers_modified_z, \
from .preprocessing import scale_data, scale_sections, interpolate_clipping, \
                           flip_signal, enhance_peaks, enhance_ecg_peaks
from .filtering import filter_signal, hampel_filter, hampel_correcter, \
                       remove_baseline_wander, smooth_signal
from .peakdetection import make_windows, append_dict, fit_peaks, check_peaks, \
                           check_binary_quality, interpolate_peaks
from .visualizeutils import plotter, segment_plotter, plot_poincare, plot_breathing
from .analysis import calc_rr, calc_rr_segment, clean_rr_intervals, calc_ts_measures, \
                      calc_fd_measures, calc_breathing, calc_poincare

from . import config
config.init() #initialize global conf vars

__all__ = ['enhance_peaks',

[docs]def process(hrdata, sample_rate, windowsize=0.75, report_time=False, calc_freq=False, freq_method='welch', welch_wsize=240, freq_square=False, interp_clipping=False, clipping_scale=False, interp_threshold=1020, hampel_correct=False, bpmmin=40, bpmmax=180, reject_segmentwise=False, high_precision=False, high_precision_fs=1000.0, breathing_method='welch', clean_rr=False, clean_rr_method='quotient-filter', measures=None, working_data=None): '''processes passed heart rate data. Processes the passed heart rate data. Returns measures{} dict containing results. Parameters ---------- hrdata : 1d array or list array or list containing heart rate data to be analysed sample_rate : int or float the sample rate with which the heart rate data is sampled windowsize : int or float the window size in seconds to use in the calculation of the moving average. Calculated as windowsize * sample_rate default : 0.75 report_time : bool whether to report total processing time of algorithm default : False calc_freq : bool whether to compute frequency domain measurements default : False freq_method : str method used to extract the frequency spectrum. Available: 'fft' (Fourier Analysis), 'periodogram', and 'welch' (Welch's method). default : 'welch' welch_wsize : float Size of window (in sec) when welch method used to compute the spectrogram. This choice is based on a trade-off btw temporal res and freq res of the resulting spectrum 60 sec may seem reasonable, but this would greatly limit frequency resolution! 1/60 s = 0.017 Hz, so you would only have 2 points in the VLF band Therefore, the default is 4 min (9 points in the VLF band) default : 240 freq_square : bool whether to square the power spectrum returned when computing frequency measures default : False interp_clipping : bool whether to detect and interpolate clipping segments of the signal default : False clipping_scale : bool whether to scale the data prior to clipping detection. Can correct errors if signal amplitude has been affected after digitization (for example through filtering). Not recommended by default. default : False interp_threshold : int or float threshold to use to detect clipping segments. Recommended to be a few datapoints below the sensor or ADC's maximum value (to account for slight data line noise). default : 1020, 4 below max of 1024 for 10-bit ADC hampel_correct : bool whether to reduce noisy segments using large median filter. Disabled by default due to computational complexity and (small) distortions induced into output measures. Generally it is not necessary. default : False bpmmin : int or float minimum value to see as likely for BPM when fitting peaks default : 40 bpmmax : int or float maximum value to see as likely for BPM when fitting peaks default : 180 reject_segmentwise : bool whether to reject segments with more than 30% rejected beats. By default looks at segments of 10 beats at a time. default : False high_precision : bool whether to estimate peak positions by upsampling signal to sample rate as specified in high_precision_fs default : False high_precision_fs : int or float the sample rate to which to upsample for more accurate peak position estimation default : 1000 Hz breathing_method : str method to use for estimating breathing rate, should be 'welch' or 'fft' default : welch clean_rr : bool if true, the RR_list is further cleaned with an outlier rejection pass default : False clean_rr_method: str how to find and reject outliers. Available methods are ' quotient-filter', 'iqr' (interquartile range), and 'z-score'. default : 'quotient-filter' measures : dict dictionary object used by heartpy to store computed measures. Will be created if not passed to function. working_data : dict dictionary object that contains all heartpy's working data (temp) objects. Will be created if not passed to function. Returns ------- working_data : dict dictionary object used to store temporary values. measures : dict dictionary object used by heartpy to store computed measures. Examples -------- There's example data included in HeartPy to help you get up to speed. Here are provided two examples of how to approach heart rate analysis. The first example contains noisy sections and comes with a timer column that counts miliseconds since start of recording. >>> import heartpy as hp >>> data, timer = hp.load_exampledata(1) >>> sample_rate = hp.get_samplerate_mstimer(timer) >>> '%.3f' %sample_rate '116.996' The sample rate is one of the most important characteristics during the heart rate analysis, as all measures are relative to this. With all data loaded and the sample rate determined, analysis is now easy: >>> wd, m = hp.process(data, sample_rate = sample_rate) The measures ('m') dictionary returned contains all determined measures >>> '%.3f' %m['bpm'] '62.376' >>> '%.3f' %m['rmssd'] '57.070' Using a slightly longer example: >>> data, timer = hp.load_exampledata(2) >>> print(timer[0]) 2016-11-24 13:58:58.081000 As you can see something is going on here: we have a datetime-based timer. HeartPy can accomodate this and determine sample rate nontheless: >>> sample_rate = hp.get_samplerate_datetime(timer, timeformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') >>> '%.3f' %sample_rate '100.420' Now analysis can proceed. Let's also compute frequency domain data and interpolate clipping. In this segment the clipping is visible around amplitude 980 so let's set that as well: >>> data, timer = hp.load_exampledata(1) >>> sample_rate = hp.get_samplerate_mstimer(timer) >>> wd, m = hp.process(data, sample_rate = sample_rate, calc_freq = True, ... interp_clipping = True, interp_threshold = 975) >>> '%.3f' %m['bpm'] '62.376' >>> '%.3f' %m['rmssd'] '57.070' >>> '%.3f' %m['lf/hf'] '1.090' High precision mode will upsample 200ms of data surrounding detected peak and attempt to estimate the peak's real position with higher accuracy. Use high_precision_fs to set the virtual sample rate to which the peak will be upsampled (e.g. 1000Hz gives an estimated 1ms accuracy) >>> wd, m = hp.process(data, sample_rate = sample_rate, calc_freq = True, ... high_precision = True, high_precision_fs = 1000.0) Finally setting reject_segmentwise will reject segments with more than 30% rejected beats See check_binary_quality in the module. >>> wd, m = hp.process(data, sample_rate = sample_rate, calc_freq = True, ... reject_segmentwise = True) Final test for code coverage, let's turn all bells and whistles on that haven't been tested yet >>> wd, m = hp.process(data, sample_rate = 100.0, calc_freq = True, ... interp_clipping = True, clipping_scale = True, reject_segmentwise = True, clean_rr = True) ''' #initialize dicts if needed if measures == None: measures = {} if working_data == None: working_data = {} if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 3: #if python >= 3.3 t1 = time.perf_counter() else: t1 = time.clock() assert np.asarray(hrdata).ndim == 1, 'error: multi-dimensional data passed to process() \ function. Please supply a 1d array or list containing heart rate signal data. \n\nDid you perhaps \ include an index column?' if interp_clipping: if clipping_scale: hrdata = scale_data(hrdata) hrdata = interpolate_clipping(hrdata, sample_rate, threshold=interp_threshold) if hampel_correct: # pragma: no cover hrdata = enhance_peaks(hrdata) hrdata = hampel_correcter(hrdata, sample_rate) # check that the data has positive baseline for the moving average algorithm to work bl_val = np.percentile(hrdata, 0.1) if bl_val < 0: hrdata = hrdata + abs(bl_val) working_data['hr'] = hrdata working_data['sample_rate'] = sample_rate rol_mean = rolling_mean(hrdata, windowsize, sample_rate) working_data = fit_peaks(hrdata, rol_mean, sample_rate, bpmmin=bpmmin, bpmmax=bpmmax, working_data=working_data) if high_precision: working_data = interpolate_peaks(hrdata, working_data['peaklist'], sample_rate=sample_rate, desired_sample_rate=high_precision_fs, working_data=working_data) working_data = calc_rr(working_data['peaklist'], sample_rate, working_data=working_data) working_data = check_peaks(working_data['RR_list'], working_data['peaklist'], working_data['ybeat'], reject_segmentwise, working_data=working_data) if clean_rr: working_data = clean_rr_intervals(working_data, method = clean_rr_method) working_data, measures = calc_ts_measures(working_data['RR_list_cor'], working_data['RR_diff'], working_data['RR_sqdiff'], measures=measures, working_data=working_data) measures = calc_poincare(working_data['RR_list'], working_data['RR_masklist'], measures = measures, working_data = working_data) try: measures, working_data = calc_breathing(working_data['RR_list_cor'], method=breathing_method, measures=measures, working_data=working_data) except: measures['breathingrate'] = np.nan if calc_freq: working_data, measures = calc_fd_measures(method=freq_method, welch_wsize=240, square_spectrum=freq_square, measures=measures, working_data=working_data) #report time if requested. Exclude from tests, output is untestable. if report_time: # pragma: no cover if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 3: print('\nFinished in %.8s sec' %(time.perf_counter()-t1)) else: print('\nFinished in %.8s sec' %(time.clock()-t1)) return working_data, measures
[docs]def process_segmentwise(hrdata, sample_rate, segment_width=120, segment_overlap=0, segment_min_size=20, replace_outliers=False, outlier_method='iqr', mode='full', ignore_badsignalwarning=True, **kwargs): '''processes passed heart rate data with a windowed function Analyses a long heart rate data array by running a moving window over the data, computing measures in each iteration. Both the window width and the overlap with the previous window location are settable. Parameters ---------- hrdata : 1d array or list array or list containing heart rate data to be analysed sample_rate : int or float the sample rate with which the heart rate data is sampled segment_width : int or float width of segments in seconds default : 120 segment_overlap: float overlap fraction of adjacent segments. Needs to be 0 <= segment_overlap < 1. default : 0 (no overlap) segment_min_size : int often a tail end of the data remains after segmenting into segments. segment_min_size indicates the minimum length (in seconds) the tail end needs to be in order to be included in analysis. It is discarded if it's shorter. default : 20 replace_outliers : bool whether to detct and replace outliers in the segments. Will iterate over all computed measures and evaluate each. outlier_method : str what method to use to detect outlers. Available are 'iqr', which uses the inter-quartile range, and 'z-score', which uses the modified z-score approach. mode : str 'full' or 'fast' ignore_badsignalwarning: bool Whether to ignore errors in analysis. If set to true, segments with errors in the analysis will be places in the final measures array as np.nan values. If set to False, they will be omitted. Keyword arguments: ------------------ hrdata -- 1-dimensional numpy array or list containing heart rate data sample_rate -- the sample rate of the heart rate data segment_width -- the width of the segment, in seconds, within which all measures will be computed. segment_overlap -- the fraction of overlap of adjacent segments, needs to be 0 <= segment_overlap < 1 segment_min_size -- After segmenting the data, a tail end will likely remain that is shorter than the specified segment_size. segment_min_size sets the minimum size for the last segment of the generated series of segments to still be included. Default = 20. replace_outliers -- bool, whether to replace outliers (likely caused by peak fitting errors on one or more segments) with the median. outlier_method -- which method to use to detect outliers. Available are the 'interquartile-range' ('iqr') and the 'modified z-score' ('z-score') methods. Returns ------- working_data : dict dictionary object used to store temporary values. measures : dict dictionary object used by heartpy to store computed measures. Examples -------- Given one of the included example datasets we can demonstrate this function: >>> import heartpy as hp >>> data, timer = hp.load_exampledata(2) >>> sample_rate = hp.get_samplerate_datetime(timer, timeformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') >>> wd, m = hp.process_segmentwise(data, sample_rate, segment_width=120, segment_overlap=0.5) >>> len(m['bpm']) 11 The function has split the data into 11 segments and analysed each one. Every key in the measures (m) dict now contains a list of that measure for each segment. >>> [round(x, 1) for x in m['bpm']] [100.0, 96.8, 97.2, 97.9, 96.7, 96.8, 96.8, 95.0, 92.9, 96.7, 99.2] Specifying mode = 'fast' will run peak detection once and use detections to compute measures over each segment. Useful for speed ups, but typically the full mode has better results. >>> wd, m = hp.process_segmentwise(data, sample_rate, segment_width=120, segment_overlap=0.5, ... mode = 'fast', replace_outliers = True) You can specify the outlier detection method ('iqr' - interquartile range, or 'z-score' for modified z-score approach). >>> wd, m = hp.process_segmentwise(data, sample_rate, segment_width=120, segment_overlap=0.5, ... mode = 'fast', replace_outliers = True, outlier_method = 'z-score') ''' assert 0 <= segment_overlap < 1.0, 'value error: segment_overlap needs to be \ 0 <= segment_overlap < 1.0!' assert outlier_method in ['iqr', 'z-score'], 'Unknown outlier detection method specified, \ use either \'iqr\' or \'z-score\'' s_measures={} s_working_data={} slice_indices = make_windows(hrdata, sample_rate, segment_width, segment_overlap, segment_min_size) if mode == 'full': for i, ii in slice_indices: try: working_data, measures = process(hrdata[i:ii], sample_rate, **kwargs) for k in measures.keys(): s_measures = append_dict(s_measures, k, measures[k]) for k in working_data.keys(): s_working_data = append_dict(s_working_data, k, working_data[k]) s_measures = append_dict(s_measures, 'segment_indices', (i, ii)) s_working_data = append_dict(s_working_data, 'segment_indices', (i, ii)) except exceptions.BadSignalWarning: if ignore_badsignalwarning: for k in measures.keys(): s_measures = append_dict(s_measures, k, np.nan) for k in working_data.keys(): s_working_data = append_dict(s_working_data, k, working_data[k]) else: pass elif mode == 'fast': working_data, measures = process(hrdata, sample_rate, **kwargs) peaklist = np.asarray(working_data['peaklist']) for i, ii in slice_indices: #pks = [x for x in peaklist if i <= x < ii] pks = peaklist[np.where((peaklist >= i) & (peaklist < ii))] pks_b = working_data['binary_peaklist'][int(np.where(peaklist == pks[0])[0]): int(np.where(peaklist == pks[-1])[-1]) + 1] rr_list = (np.diff(pks) / sample_rate) * 1000.0 rr_list, rr_diff, rr_sqdiff = calc_rr_segment(rr_list, pks_b) _, tmp = calc_ts_measures(rr_list, rr_diff, rr_sqdiff) for k in tmp.keys(): s_measures = append_dict(s_measures, k, tmp[k]) s_measures = append_dict(s_measures, 'segment_indices', (i, ii)) s_working_data = append_dict(s_working_data, 'segment_indices', (i, ii)) s_working_data = append_dict(s_working_data, 'rr_list', rr_list) s_working_data = append_dict(s_working_data, 'rr_diff', rr_diff) s_working_data = append_dict(s_working_data, 'rr_sqdiff', rr_sqdiff) s_working_data = append_dict(s_working_data, 'peaklist', peaklist) else: raise ValueError('mode not understood! Needs to be either \'fast\' or \'full\', passed: %s' %mode) if replace_outliers: if outlier_method.lower() == 'iqr': for k in s_measures.keys(): if k not in ['nn20', 'nn50', 'interp_rr_function', 'interp_rr_linspace', 'segment_indices']: #skip these measures s_measures[k], _ = outliers_iqr_method(s_measures[k]) elif outlier_method.lower() == 'z-score': for k in s_measures.keys(): if k not in ['nn20', 'nn50', 'interp_rr_function', 'interp_rr_linspace', 'segment_indices']: #skip these measures s_measures[k], _ = outliers_modified_z(s_measures[k]) return s_working_data, s_measures
def process_rr(rr_list, threshold_rr=False, clean_rr=False, clean_rr_method='quotient-filter', calc_freq=False, freq_method='welch', welch_wsize=240, square_spectrum=True, breathing_method='welch', measures={}, working_data={}): '''process rr-list Function that takes and processes a list of peak-peak intervals (tachogram). Computes all measures as computed by the regular process() function, and sets up all dicts required for plotting poincare plots. Note: This method assumes ms-based tachogram Several filtering methods are available as well. Parameters ---------- rr_list : 1d array or list list or array containing peak-peak intervals (in ms). threshold_rr : bool if true, the peak-peak intervals are cleaned using a threshold filter, which rejects all intervals that differ 30% from the mean peak-peak interval, with a minimum of 300ms. default : false clean_rr : bool if true, the RR_list is further cleaned with an outlier rejection pass. This pass is performed after threshold_rr, if that is specified. default : false clean_rr_method: str how to find and reject outliers. Available methods are 'quotient-filter', 'iqr' (interquartile range), and 'z-score'. default : 'quotient-filter' calc_freq : bool whether to compute time-series measurements default : False freq_method : str method used to extract the frequency spectrum. Available: 'fft' (Fourier Analysis), 'periodogram', and 'welch' (Welch's method). default : 'welch' welch_wsize : float Size of window (in sec) when welch method used to compute the spectrogram. This choice is based on a trade-off btw temporal res and freq res of the resulting spectrum 60 sec may seem reasonable, but this would greatly limit frequency resolution! 1/60 s = 0.017 Hz, so you would only have 2 points in the VLF band Therefore, the default is 4 min (9 points in the VLF band) default : 240 square_spectrum : bool whether to square the power spectrum returned. default : true measures : dict dictionary object used by heartpy to store computed measures. Will be created if not passed to function. working_data : dict dictionary object that contains all heartpy's working data (temp) objects. will be created if not passed to function Returns ------- working_data : dict dictionary object used to store temporary values. measures : dict dictionary object used by heartpy to store computed measures. Examples -------- Let's generate an RR-list first. >>> import heartpy as hp >>> data, timer = hp.load_exampledata(2) >>> sample_rate = hp.get_samplerate_datetime(timer, timeformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') >>> wd, m = hp.process(data, sample_rate) >>> rr_list = wd['RR_list'] Using only the RR-list (in ms!) we can now call this function, and let's put the results into a differently named container so we're sure all measures are unique: >>> wd2, m2 = process_rr(rr_list, threshold_rr = True, clean_rr = True, calc_freq = True) >>> '%.3f' %m2['rmssd'] '45.641' If you want to, you can turn off all filters and rejection features: >>> wd2, m2 = process_rr(rr_list, threshold_rr = False, clean_rr = False) >>> '%.3f' %m2['rmssd'] '162.645' In this case it seems the filtering was necessary: without the RMSSD lies outside the range expected in healthy humans. ''' working_data['RR_list'] = rr_list if threshold_rr: #do thresholding pass mean_rr = np.mean(rr_list) upper_threshold = mean_rr + 300 if (0.3 * mean_rr) <= 300 else mean_rr + (0.3 * mean_rr) lower_threshold = mean_rr - 300 if (0.3 * mean_rr) <= 300 else mean_rr - (0.3 * mean_rr) rr_list_cor = [x for x in rr_list if x > lower_threshold and x < upper_threshold] rr_mask = [1 if x <= lower_threshold or x >= upper_threshold else 0 for x in rr_list] working_data['RR_list_cor'] = rr_list_cor working_data['RR_masklist'] = rr_mask if clean_rr: #do clean_rr pass working_data = clean_rr_intervals(working_data = working_data, method = clean_rr_method) if not threshold_rr and not clean_rr: working_data['RR_list_cor'] = rr_list working_data['RR_masklist'] = [0 for i in range(len(rr_list))] rr_diff = np.abs(np.diff(rr_list)) rr_sqdiff = np.power(rr_diff, 2) else: rr_diff = np.abs(np.diff(working_data['RR_list_cor'])) rr_sqdiff = np.power(rr_diff, 2) #compute ts measures working_data, measures = calc_ts_measures(rr_list = working_data['RR_list_cor'], rr_diff = rr_diff, rr_sqdiff = rr_sqdiff, measures = measures, working_data = working_data) measures = calc_poincare(rr_list = working_data['RR_list'], rr_mask = working_data['RR_masklist'], measures = measures, working_data = working_data) if calc_freq: #compute freq measures working_data, measures = calc_fd_measures(method=freq_method, welch_wsize=240, square_spectrum=square_spectrum, measures=measures, working_data=working_data) #compute breathing try: measures, working_data = calc_breathing(working_data['RR_list_cor'], method = breathing_method, measures=measures, working_data=working_data) except: measures['breathingrate'] = np.nan return working_data, measures def run_tests(verbose=0): ''' function to run doctest on all of HeartPy ''' from . import analysis, datautils, filtering, peakdetection, preprocessing, visualizeutils, config import doctest succeeded = 0 print('testing config') results = doctest.testmod(config, verbose=verbose) if results.failed == 0: # pragma: no cover print('success!') succeeded += 1 print('testing analysis') results = doctest.testmod(analysis, verbose=verbose) if results.failed == 0: # pragma: no cover print('success!') succeeded += 1 print('testing datautils') results = doctest.testmod(datautils, verbose=verbose) if results.failed == 0: # pragma: no cover print('success!') succeeded += 1 print('testing filtering') results = doctest.testmod(filtering, verbose=verbose) if results.failed == 0: # pragma: no cover print('success!') succeeded += 1 print('testing peakdetection') results = doctest.testmod(peakdetection, verbose=verbose) if results.failed == 0: # pragma: no cover print('success!') succeeded += 1 print('testing preprocessing') results = doctest.testmod(preprocessing, verbose=verbose) if results.failed == 0: # pragma: no cover print('success!') succeeded += 1 print('testing visualization utils') results = doctest.testmod(visualizeutils, verbose=verbose) if results.failed == 0: # pragma: no cover print('success!') succeeded += 1 print('testing main processing pipeline') from . import heartpy as hptester results = doctest.testmod(hptester, verbose=verbose) if results.failed == 0: # pragma: no cover print('success!') succeeded += 1 if succeeded == 8: # pragma: no cover print('all tests passed, ready to go!') else: print('some tests failed...')