Source code for heartpy.filtering

Functions for data filtering tasks.

from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt, iirnotch, savgol_filter
import numpy as np

from .datautils import MAD

__all__ = ['filter_signal',

def butter_lowpass(cutoff, sample_rate, order=2):
    '''standard lowpass filter.

    Function that defines standard Butterworth lowpass filter

    cutoff : int or float
        frequency in Hz that acts as cutoff for filter.
        All frequencies above cutoff are filtered out.

    sample_rate : int or float
        sample rate of the supplied signal

    order : int
        filter order, defines the strength of the roll-off
        around the cutoff frequency. Typically orders above 6
        are not used frequently.
        default: 2
    out : tuple
        numerator and denominator (b, a) polynomials
        of the defined Butterworth IIR filter.

    >>> b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff = 2, sample_rate = 100, order = 2)
    >>> b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff = 4.5, sample_rate = 12.5, order = 5)
    nyq = 0.5 * sample_rate
    normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq
    b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='low', analog=False)
    return b, a

def butter_highpass(cutoff, sample_rate, order=2):
    '''standard highpass filter.

    Function that defines standard Butterworth highpass filter

    cutoff : int or float
        frequency in Hz that acts as cutoff for filter.
        All frequencies below cutoff are filtered out.

    sample_rate : int or float
        sample rate of the supplied signal

    order : int
        filter order, defines the strength of the roll-off
        around the cutoff frequency. Typically orders above 6
        are not used frequently.
        default : 2
    out : tuple
        numerator and denominator (b, a) polynomials
        of the defined Butterworth IIR filter.

    we can specify the cutoff and sample_rate as ints or floats.

    >>> b, a = butter_highpass(cutoff = 2, sample_rate = 100, order = 2)
    >>> b, a = butter_highpass(cutoff = 4.5, sample_rate = 12.5, order = 5)
    nyq = 0.5 * sample_rate
    normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq
    b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='high', analog=False)
    return b, a

def butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, sample_rate, order=2):
    '''standard bandpass filter.
    Function that defines standard Butterworth bandpass filter.
    Filters out frequencies outside the frequency range
    defined by [lowcut, highcut].

    lowcut : int or float
        Lower frequency bound of the filter in Hz

    highcut : int or float
        Upper frequency bound of the filter in Hz

    sample_rate : int or float
        sample rate of the supplied signal

    order : int
        filter order, defines the strength of the roll-off
        around the cutoff frequency. Typically orders above 6
        are not used frequently.
        default : 2
    out : tuple
        numerator and denominator (b, a) polynomials
        of the defined Butterworth IIR filter.

    we can specify lowcut, highcut and sample_rate as ints or floats.

    >>> b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut = 1, highcut = 6, sample_rate = 100, order = 2)
    >>> b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut = 0.4, highcut = 3.7, sample_rate = 72.6, order = 2)
    nyq = 0.5 * sample_rate
    low = lowcut / nyq
    high = highcut / nyq
    b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='band')
    return b, a

[docs]def filter_signal(data, cutoff, sample_rate, order=2, filtertype='lowpass', return_top = False): '''Apply the specified filter Function that applies the specified lowpass, highpass or bandpass filter to the provided dataset. Parameters ---------- data : 1-dimensional numpy array or list Sequence containing the to be filtered data cutoff : int, float or tuple the cutoff frequency of the filter. Expects float for low and high types and for bandpass filter expects list or array of format [lower_bound, higher_bound] sample_rate : int or float the sample rate with which the passed data sequence was sampled order : int the filter order default : 2 filtertype : str The type of filter to use. Available: - lowpass : a lowpass butterworth filter - highpass : a highpass butterworth filter - bandpass : a bandpass butterworth filter - notch : a notch filter around specified frequency range both the highpass and notch filter are useful for removing baseline wander. The notch filter is especially useful for removing baseling wander in ECG signals. Returns ------- out : 1d array 1d array containing the filtered data Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import heartpy as hp Using standard data provided >>> data, _ = hp.load_exampledata(0) We can filter the signal, for example with a lowpass cutting out all frequencies of 5Hz and greater (with a sloping frequency cutoff) >>> filtered = filter_signal(data, cutoff = 5, sample_rate = 100.0, order = 3, filtertype='lowpass') >>> print(np.around(filtered[0:6], 3)) [530.175 517.893 505.768 494.002 482.789 472.315] Or we can cut out all frequencies below 0.75Hz with a highpass filter: >>> filtered = filter_signal(data, cutoff = 0.75, sample_rate = 100.0, order = 3, filtertype='highpass') >>> print(np.around(filtered[0:6], 3)) [-17.975 -28.271 -38.609 -48.992 -58.422 -67.902] Or specify a range (here: 0.75 - 3.5Hz), outside of which all frequencies are cut out. >>> filtered = filter_signal(data, cutoff = [0.75, 3.5], sample_rate = 100.0, ... order = 3, filtertype='bandpass') >>> print(np.around(filtered[0:6], 3)) [-12.012 -23.159 -34.261 -45.12 -55.541 -65.336] A 'Notch' filtertype is also available (see remove_baseline_wander). >>> filtered = filter_signal(data, cutoff = 0.05, sample_rate = 100.0, filtertype='notch') Finally we can use the return_top flag to only return the filter response that has amplitute above zero. We're only interested in the peaks, and sometimes this can improve peak prediction: >>> filtered = filter_signal(data, cutoff = [0.75, 3.5], sample_rate = 100.0, ... order = 3, filtertype='bandpass', return_top = True) >>> print(np.around(filtered[48:53], 3)) [ 0. 0. 0.409 17.088 35.673] ''' if filtertype.lower() == 'lowpass': b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, sample_rate, order=order) elif filtertype.lower() == 'highpass': b, a = butter_highpass(cutoff, sample_rate, order=order) elif filtertype.lower() == 'bandpass': assert type(cutoff) == tuple or list or np.array, 'if bandpass filter is specified, \ cutoff needs to be array or tuple specifying lower and upper bound: [lower, upper].' b, a = butter_bandpass(cutoff[0], cutoff[1], sample_rate, order=order) elif filtertype.lower() == 'notch': b, a = iirnotch(cutoff, Q = 0.005, fs = sample_rate) else: raise ValueError('filtertype: %s is unknown, available are: \ lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and notch' %filtertype) filtered_data = filtfilt(b, a, data) if return_top: return np.clip(filtered_data, a_min = 0, a_max = None) else: return filtered_data
[docs]def remove_baseline_wander(data, sample_rate, cutoff=0.05): '''removes baseline wander Function that uses a Notch filter to remove baseline wander from (especially) ECG signals Parameters ---------- data : 1-dimensional numpy array or list Sequence containing the to be filtered data sample_rate : int or float the sample rate with which the passed data sequence was sampled cutoff : int, float the cutoff frequency of the Notch filter. We recommend 0.05Hz. default : 0.05 Returns ------- out : 1d array 1d array containing the filtered data Examples -------- >>> import heartpy as hp >>> data, _ = hp.load_exampledata(0) baseline wander is removed by calling the function and specifying the data and sample rate. >>> filtered = remove_baseline_wander(data, 100.0) ''' return filter_signal(data = data, cutoff = cutoff, sample_rate = sample_rate, filtertype='notch')
[docs]def hampel_filter(data, filtsize=6): '''Detect outliers based on hampel filter Funcion that detects outliers based on a hampel filter. The filter takes datapoint and six surrounding samples. Detect outliers based on being more than 3std from window mean. See: Parameters ---------- data : 1d list or array list or array containing the data to be filtered filtsize : int the filter size expressed the number of datapoints taken surrounding the analysed datapoint. a filtsize of 6 means three datapoints on each side are taken. total filtersize is thus filtsize + 1 (datapoint evaluated) Returns ------- out : array containing filtered data Examples -------- >>> from .datautils import get_data, load_exampledata >>> data, _ = load_exampledata(0) >>> filtered = hampel_filter(data, filtsize = 6) >>> print('%i, %i' %(data[1232], filtered[1232])) 497, 496 ''' #generate second list to prevent overwriting first #cast as array to be sure, in case list is passed output = np.copy(np.asarray(data)) onesided_filt = filtsize // 2 for i in range(onesided_filt, len(data) - onesided_filt - 1): dataslice = output[i - onesided_filt : i + onesided_filt] mad = MAD(dataslice) median = np.median(dataslice) if output[i] > median + (3 * mad): output[i] = median return output
[docs]def hampel_correcter(data, sample_rate): '''apply altered version of hampel filter to suppress noise. Function that returns te difference between data and 1-second windowed hampel median filter. Results in strong noise suppression characteristics, but relatively expensive to compute. Result on output measures is present but generally not large. However, use sparingly, and only when other means have been exhausted. Parameters ---------- data : 1d numpy array array containing the data to be filtered sample_rate : int or float sample rate with which data was recorded Returns ------- out : 1d numpy array array containing filtered data Examples -------- >>> from .datautils import get_data, load_exampledata >>> data, _ = load_exampledata(1) >>> filtered = hampel_correcter(data, sample_rate = 116.995) ''' return data - hampel_filter(data, filtsize=int(sample_rate))
def quotient_filter(RR_list, RR_list_mask = [], iterations=2): '''applies a quotient filter Function that applies a quotient filter as described in "Piskorki, J., Guzik, P. (2005), Filtering Poincare plots" Parameters ---------- RR_list - 1d array or list array or list of peak-peak intervals to be filtered RR_list_mask - 1d array or list array or list containing the mask for which intervals are rejected. If not supplied, it will be generated. Mask is zero for accepted intervals, one for rejected intervals. iterations - int how many times to apply the quotient filter. Multipled iterations have a stronger filtering effect default : 2 Returns ------- RR_list_mask : 1d array mask for RR_list, 1 where intervals are rejected, 0 where intervals are accepted. Examples -------- Given some example data let's generate an RR-list first >>> import heartpy as hp >>> data, timer = hp.load_exampledata(1) >>> sample_rate = hp.get_samplerate_mstimer(timer) >>> wd, m = hp.process(data, sample_rate) >>> rr = wd['RR_list'] >>> rr_mask = wd['RR_masklist'] Given this data we can use this function to further clean the data: >>> new_mask = quotient_filter(rr, rr_mask) Although specifying the mask is optional, as you may not always have a pre-computed mask available: >>> new_mask = quotient_filter(rr) ''' if len(RR_list_mask) == 0: RR_list_mask = np.zeros((len(RR_list))) else: assert len(RR_list) == len(RR_list_mask), \ 'error: RR_list and RR_list_mask should be same length if RR_list_mask is specified' for iteration in range(iterations): for i in range(len(RR_list) - 1): if RR_list_mask[i] + RR_list_mask[i + 1] != 0: pass #skip if one of both intervals is already rejected elif 0.8 <= RR_list[i] / RR_list[i + 1] <= 1.2: pass #if R-R pair seems ok, do noting else: #update mask RR_list_mask[i] = 1 #RR_list_mask[i + 1] = 1 return np.asarray(RR_list_mask)
[docs]def smooth_signal(data, sample_rate, window_length=None, polyorder=3): '''smooths given signal using savitzky-golay filter Function that smooths data using savitzky-golay filter using default settings. Functionality requested by Eirik Svendsen. Added since 1.2.4 Parameters ---------- data : 1d array or list array or list containing the data to be filtered sample_rate : int or float the sample rate with which data is sampled window_length : int or None window length parameter for savitzky-golay filter, see Scipy.signal.savgol_filter docs. Must be odd, if an even int is given, one will be added to make it uneven. default : 0.1 * sample_rate polyorder : int the order of the polynomial fitted to the signal. See scipy.signal.savgol_filter docs. default : 3 Returns ------- smoothed : 1d array array containing the smoothed data Examples -------- Given a fictional signal, a smoothed signal can be obtained by smooth_signal(): >>> x = [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5, 3, 1, 1] >>> smoothed = smooth_signal(x, sample_rate = 2, window_length=4, polyorder=2) >>> np.around(smoothed[0:4], 3) array([1.114, 2.743, 4.086, 5. ]) If you don't specify the window_length, it is computed to be 10% of the sample rate (+1 if needed to make odd) >>> import heartpy as hp >>> data, timer = hp.load_exampledata(0) >>> smoothed = smooth_signal(data, sample_rate = 100) ''' if window_length == None: window_length = sample_rate // 10 if window_length % 2 == 0 or window_length == 0: window_length += 1 smoothed = savgol_filter(data, window_length = window_length, polyorder = polyorder) return smoothed